Plot: Set in Spanish Harlem, the novel follows Chino, a young man who crosses paths with Willie Bodega, a dreamer, activist, and drug lord all in one. Sapo, Chino's childhood friend, helps Chino set up a meeting with Bodega since Sapo works for him. Eventually, Bodega helps Chino and gives him a spacious apartment to live in with Blanca and their baby, who is soon to be born. Even though Blanca, Chino's wife, is against him being around Sapo, Chino still hangs out with him, but keeps the fact that he is linked with Bodega a secret. But when a dead body is found in a river, Blanca is skeptical about what Chino is really doing, and Chino even believes Bodega did it. So, what will Chino do: risk his marriage with Blanca to return the favor he owes Bodega, or cut his ties with Bodega altogether before the police becomes involved?
Personal Review: I enjoyed the novel, it was well-written and was a fun read, with some interesting plot twists. The novel helps portray difficult decisions people have to make in life, and they won't always be the right ones.
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