Sunday, June 19, 2022

board games blog post

The Ventress Memorial Library is currently adding more board games to our collection. The board games were donated by The South of Boston Board Game Meetup. The games were processed and cataloged with help from teen volunteers and teen interns. The board games will be kept on the shelf outside the teen room. A few games will be shelved in the children's room. Some games that we will be adding are: 
  1. Cards Against Humanity (Family addition)
  2. Innovation
  3. Dice city
  4. Uno
  5. Silver and gold
  6. Spyfall 2
  7. Exploding kittens
  8. Adventure time love letter
  9. Apples to apples junior
  10. Ninja camp                                                                                                                                      
     And many more!! So come on down to Ventress Library and enjoy our new games, crafts, books and lots more!

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