Plot: The Leaving by Tara Altebrando is about 6 kindergartners who went missing and weren't seen for 11 years. However, only 5 of them return. Max is the only one that stays missing. Scarlett comes back to a family that she barely remembers. Lucas remembers Scarlett, and the other kids, but does not remember or know what happened to them. Avery is Max's sister, and she wants answers as to why he was taken but hasn't returned. The book is told from the perspective of Scarlett, Lucas, and Avery as secrets are revealed and the mystery of Max's disappearance is unraveled.
Personal Review: I liked this book, and it was enjoyable to read. The plot twist in the end is amazing, very unexpected, and leaves you in shock. This book is a thrilling roller-coaster ride, and once you start reading, you won't be able to put this book down. It will leave you asking for more!
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