The Firekeeper's Daughter, written by Angeline Boulley, is a mysterious thriller that follows 18 year old Daunis Fontaine, whose dreams of studying medicine and talented hockey skills makes her a popular member of her community. However, when she witnesses a horrific tragedy, her whole life changes and her future is put on pause. The murder of her best friend allows her to uncover the secret identity of the new hockey star, Jamie, who is also her brother's best friend. With his true identity revealed -- he is an undercover cop -- they team up into a criminal investigation. As they go undercover, she is able to use her background in chemistry to be a vital part of the case. The further they get into this investigation, the more is revealed about her friends and family.
Will she discover the truth about what truly is going on in her town? Will she catch the killer? Daunis will do whatever it takes to protect her home, even if it changes everything she had ever known. The Firekeeper's Daughter will keep you on the edge of your seat as the characters try to solve the case. Angeline Boulley creates an extraordinary atmosphere with an ending plot that no one expected.
-Amanda, Teen Influencer